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Israel marks Remembrance Days; Damascus blames IDF of shelling border outpost TV7 Israel News 24.04
US not intent on war vs Russia re Syria; Iran’s MFA tours Lebanon-Israel border TV7Israel News 28.04
Israel marks 75th Anniversary; Nine Israelis wounded in separate terror attacks TV7Israel News 25.04
Netanyahu skeptical of looming war; Iran reasserts ‘Israel’s days are numbered’ TV7Israel News 14.04
Israel Daily News – 24 April, 2023
Gaza militants launches 104 rockets at Israel; IAF Strikes at PIJ-Hamas in Gaza TV7Israel News 03.05
Israel outraged over Russian UNSC Session; Congress supports US-Israel alliance TV7Israel News 26.04
Jerusalem tensions escalate; Gaza rocket-fire draws Israeli retaliatory strikes TV7Israel News 05.04
Israel to face multiple adversaries simultaneously
Israel opens Embassy 15km from Iran; Herzog asserts Israel’s right to exist TV7 Israel News 20.04.23
Israel allegedly strikes Syria border, sends out strong warning for Syria | World News | WION
Five Israelis injured in suspected Jerusalem terror attack ahead of Memorial Day